DUTCH Test - The Most Important Hormone Test For All Women


I have had so many questions about this test lately, that I thought a blog on it would be in order! I normally don’t blog about the different types of testing I use in my functional medicine practice, but this test is really so unique, gives us so much information on what’s going on with our hormones, and is a lot of bang for your buck. This is my #1 test to order when I want to find the root cause of a woman’s hormone imbalance.

What is the DUTCH test?

So maybe you’ve heard of this test before and wondered what’s so special about it?

The DUTCH test is an innovative hormone test that is unlike anything else on the market for assessing both female and male hormones. This test looks at the metabolites of the parent hormones, so we can see what your hormones are actually doing in your body. Because of this, we can gain so much more insight then just a one-time blood or saliva test.

It’s also such an easy test to take! It’s a simple urine test, where you collect a urine sample on a test strip 4-5 times over a course of 24 hours. It’s easy to do at home, at work, or on the go.

What Hormones Does It Test & Why?

  • Estrogens - Estrone, Estradiol, Estriol. These are the three main estrogens in the body, with estradiol being the most biologically active. These are important markers to know if you have symptoms such as PMS, painful cycles, irregular cycles, mood swings, etc.

  • Estrogen Metabolites - These markers show how the estrogens are being broken down in your body, either in a beneficial way or potentially harmful way. If you are breaking estrogen down the more harmful path, this can lead to DNA damage and even increased cancer risk - this is super helpful information to know if you are trying to conceive! It also shows how your liver is detoxifying and getting rid of hormones (methylating) - with this information, more targeted supplements and nutritional interventions to either support or inhibit certain pathways can be used.

  • Progesterone Metabolites - These metabolites show if a healthy ovulation occurred and also looking at the balance between estrogen and progesterone balance is important when looking at possible hormonal imbalance.

  • DHEA-S - This is a precursor hormone to testosterone and estrogen. If it is high, it directs us to look at possible PCOS or inflammation in the body. If it is low, this directs us to look at possible adrenal issues.

  • Testosterone - Women need a certain level of testosterone in their body to feel good and motivated about life, have enough energy, for muscle maintenance, and a healthy sex drive.

  • Testosterone Metabolites - There are competing enzymes leading to different metabolites which we look at in relation to testosterone levels to help give us a full picture of how testosterone is functioning in your body.

  • Melatonin - Useful if you are having issues falling/staying asleep or waking up early. Melatonin is also important for your immune system, mood, and is an antioxidant.

  • Free Cortisol - This is the form of cortisol which is active in your body. Knowing the diurnal pattern of cortisol along with the total output gives us a lot of information on how your body is dealing with stress - is it bouncing back or is it shutting down and not responding (think ‘adrenal fatigue’).

  • Free Cortisone & Cortisone Metabolites - The body converts cortisol into inactive cortisone and this important step can either be a helpful process or a sign that your body is trying to get you to slow down. This is looked at in relation to the free cortisol levels.

  • Nutritional Markers for Vitamin B6 & B12 - These markers are important for energy, mood, methylation of estrogens, creation of neurotransmitters, and involved in many metabolic reactions in the body.

  • Pyroglutamate - This is a marker for glutathione deficiency. Glutathione is one of the most potent antioxidants in the body.

  • Oxidative Stress - 8-OHdG is a biomarker for oxidative stress. Increased levels are seen in many chronic and degenerative diseases, chronic stress, and instances of systemic inflammation.

  • Neurotransmitter Metabolites - Metabolites of the neurotransmitters dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin are used to view a representation of these neurotransmitters in the brain.

Who Is This Test For?

  • Women who are having issues with their menstrual cycles: irregular cycles, PMS, painful periods, anxiety or depression, sore breasts, constipation or diarrhea associated with their cycles, long or short cycles, acne, migraines/headaches, insomnia, fatigue, etc.

  • Someone who has been under stress for a period of time and is looking for targeted support to help them feel more energy, motivation, better mood, etc.

  • Women with sleep issues.

  • If you feel wired but tired or burnt out.

  • Women who are trying to conceive.

  • Women who are in perimenopause and looking for targeted support for their shifting hormones.

  • Women with fatigue, brain fog or memory issues, anxiety/depression/irritability, low or high blood pressure, muscle or joint pain, muscle weakness, weight loss & weight gain, abdominal pain, nausea/diarrhea, bone loss.

With all of the information that this test gives us, we are able to really see in detail what is going on with your body’s unique hormone balance. From here, a personalized wellness plan can be introduced which includes specific nutrient/diet and lifestyle recommendations, along with targeted herbs and supplement recommendations (if needed).


Are you a woman trying to get pregnant and looking for more personalized guidance and support into natural ways to increase your fertility? Book a FREE Fertility Audit call with a member of our team here.

Laurie Terzo